ABA therapy programs can help:

The Birch Centre - ABA Therapy Professionals

The Birch Centre is a multidisciplinary team of experienced professionals dedicated to providing ABA Therapy and Treatment – based services and support to improve the lives of children and their families. Our goal is to create a supportive and nurturing environment that fosters the development of each child to reach their full potential. Our team values working collaboratively with the client, family, therapists, school, and medical providers. We believe in a total team approach to ensure that our clients have access to the most appropriate services to meet their individual needs. At TBCLD we focus on goals based on the needs of the whole family, as family involvement is essential in creating positive outcomes for your child. ABA Therapy / ABA Treatment can help prepare your child to transition into a traditional classroom setting.

ABA Treatment
ABA Therapy

ABA Therapy and IBI Therapy

The goal of ABA therapy is to establish or enhance any skill that promotes independence and or quality of life for the child across multiple environments and people. ABA Treatment and ABA Therapy goals can consist of, but not limited to;

Our Services

Working closely as a multidisciplinary team to meet the individual needs of children and their families

ABA Treatment

ABA and IBI Therapy

Applied Behaviour Analysis is an evidence-based approach based on the principles of learning and behaviour.

ABA Therapy / Analysis

Applied Behaviour Analysis is an evidence-based approach based on the principles of learning and behaviour. ABA therapy aims to improve communication, social, and learning skills through reinforcement strategies and natural environment teaching.
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ABA Therapy


Upon completion of your child’s assessment, Consultation Services provide a better understanding of your child’s needs


Upon completion of your child’s assessment, Consultation Services provide a better understanding of your child’s needs, family goals, and intervention strategies. For a professional opinion on how their child is progressing, observations can take place at school, daycare, or home environment. Ongoing consultation can also include collaboration, problem solving and progress updates.
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ABA Treatment

Parent Coaching

Goal specific techniques and strategies to support your child by incorporating them into daily routines and activities

Parent Coaching

Goal specific techniques and strategies to support your child by incorporating them into daily routines and activities. Promotes positive parent-child interactions.
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ABA Therapy

School Readiness

Developing school readiness skills for their child is a common goal for many parents.

School Readiness

Developing school readiness skills for their child is a common goal for many parents. ABA Therapy can help prepare your child to transition into a traditional classroom setting. Our aim is to help your child gain the necessary skills such as task completion, self-care, following instructions, participating in group activities, transitions, and responding to peer requests for a successful transition into school
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ABA Treatment

Social Skills Programs

Intervention based on naturalistic strategies that promote skill generalization,maintenance and parent involvement.

Social Skills Programs

Intervention based on naturalistic strategies that promote skill generalization,maintenance and parent involvement. Work to enhance your child’s age-appropriate social skills through a combination of individual or group formats with ongoing program evaluation. Fun, engaging, and interactive learning environment.
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ABA Treatment


Our team creates individualized ABA Therapy for your child to reach their full potential.


The Birch Centre specializes in providing ABA/IBI Therapy Centres in Brampton. Please email info@thebirchcentre.com or call us for further information.
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Our Approach

Customized & Individualized Programs

At The Birch Centre we acknowledge that every child is unique and no one intervention will meet the needs of every child.

Team Approach Colloboration

Our experienced and dedicated team are passionate about helping each of our clients reach their full potential.

Centre-based Therapy

Children benefitting from programs at the TBCLD enjoy learning in a structured environment that helps with transitions into routine-based situations outside of our centre.